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Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)

What is CCMEP?

The Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) is a workforce development program that helps youth ages 14-24 develop career goals and supports the achievement of these goals through the attainment of industry recognized credentials, work experience and employment.

CCMEP provides personalized and supportive services to youth at risk of not graduating, those in need of career guidance through the development of a career plan (Individual Opportunity Plan – IOP_ and case management services, financial literacy skill building, and training services for in-demand occupations.

Who should look into CCMEP?
  • Students at risk of not graduating
  • Students withdrawing before graduation
  • Youth graduating or that have graduated without a plan (postsecondary training, employment or military)
  • Low-income youth in need of additional supports to enter a training program or career
How do interest youth qualify?
  • Ages 14-24 when entering the program
  • Low income (<200% Federal Poverty Level - $62,400 annually for a family of 4 in 2024)
  • Must be or live in a household with a minor (includes students age 18 prior to graduation)
  • Possess a barrier to employment such as:
  • Pregnant/Parenting youth (including non-custodial parent)
  • Math or reading skills below 9th grade level
  • English Language Learner
  • Justice-involved youths/adults
  • Received food or cash assistance (last 6 months)
  • Homeless/Runaway
  • Ages out of or actively in foster care
  • Individual with a disability
  • High school withdrawal without graduating
What help is available?
  • Paid Work Experience
  • Career Counseling/LMI Services
  • Tutoring/Study Skills
  • Supportive Services
  • Activities to Prepare for Post-secondary Training
  • Post-secondary Tuition Assistance
  • Financial Literacy Training
  • Entrepreneurial Skills Training
  • Leadership Development
  • Alternative Secondary/Drop Out Recovery
  • Adult Mentoring
  • Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling
  • Assistance with Driver’s Education
  • Follow Up Services
How can referrals be made?

To refer someone to CCMEP or sign up yourself if you quality, please click the link below to fill out the interest form: https://form.jotform.com/OhioMeansJobs_Warren/ohiomeansjobs-warren-county-youth-p